This year’s pre-Thanksgiving celebration was off the charts! My whole big, gigantic family gathered, and it was like a mini-Thanksgiving feast before the real deal.

So, picture this–my house is buzzing with cousins everywhere! It’s like a mini carnival, and I’m the ringmaster of fun. We decided to kick off the excitement with a dare game. I dared one of my cousins to tell everyone that I am AWESOME. Yep, you heard it right– I made him my official awesome-claimer! It was so funny watching him go from person to person, saying, “Keyaa is awesome!” I couldn’t stop giggling.

After the awesome -dare, my cousin brother, Ayan, and I decided to play a game called The Whisper Challenge. It’s where you put on headphones with loud music, and the other person whispers something you have to guess. Let me tell you, it was a riot! Ayan said the silliest things, and I guessed all wrong. We laughed so hard; I thought my belly would burst!

Later, my dad and I sat down to enjoy Cracker Jack. Dad told me he used to munch on these when he was a kid, and they always had a surprise gift. I was like, “What? A surprise in every box?” That sounded like the coolest thing ever! As we dug into the delicious mix of popcorn and peanuts, Dad shared stories about the toys he found in his Cracker Jack boxes. Can you believe it? Tiny cars and funny stickers– it was like a treasure hunt in every snack. I was totally amazed!

The best part of the night? When Dad handed me the Cracker Jack box, I found a packet of stickers inside, and then I put all the stickers on my Dad’s T-shirt. He said that I’m loading it up! It was like stepping into a time machine and getting a
taste of Dad’s childhood. I’m definitely going to ask Grandma to buy more Cracker Jacks–I want to collect all the surprises!

The best part of the day was just being surrounded by family and having so much fun. We laughed, played games, and created awesome memories together. I can’t wait for Thanksgiving Day when we do it all over again with even more delicious food!

Do you have any cool pre-Thanksgiving traditions with your family? Share them and join us in our 365 days of fun.

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