Springtime always brings new life and freshness to our surroundings. The sun shines brighter, flowers bloom, and everything feels so vibrant. But our backyard was in need of some tidying up. I wanted to play with my ball that day but Dad asked me to help him in pruning the tree’s fruits. He said without me the fruits are not going to be happy.  

He then brought the big ladder and I armed myself with pruning shears, gloves, and buckets, we were ready to transform our messy tree into a magnificent sight. As we approached the tree, Dad explained that just like how we have to make choices in our lives, the tree needed us to make some tough decisions too. He told me that pruning was like giving the tree a haircut, removing unwanted branches to help it grow stronger and healthier. 

It made me realize that our lives are also filled with countless choices, and it’s important to set priorities just like we prioritize which branches to prune. We started by examining the tree carefully. Dad taught me to look for branches crossing or rubbing against each other. These branches, if left unattended, could harm the tree’s growth. Similarly, in our lives, we sometimes encounter situations or tasks that clash, causing confusion and hindering our progress.  

Dad explained that it’s crucial to identify these conflicts and make choices based on what truly matters. With each snip of the pruning shears, I felt a sense of empowerment. He encouraged me to think about the importance of different branches and decide which ones to prune first. He explained that just like how we prioritize important tasks in our lives, we need to prioritize the branches that are causing the most harm or hindrance to the tree. Sometimes, it was a tough decision to make. I had to think about the tree’s overall health and growth, just as we think about our goals and dreams. 

Dad reminded me that not every branch needs to be removed but rather the ones that affect the tree’s ability to thrive. It made me realize that in life, we need to focus on what truly matters and let go of things that hold us back. As the pruning continued, I noticed how the tree started to look more balanced and vibrant. It reminded me of how prioritizing our tasks and goals helps us find balance and harmony in our own lives.  

Dad’s words resonated with me, and I felt a newfound sense of responsibility and understanding. At the end of our pruning adventure, our tree stood tall, rejuvenated, and ready to embrace the beauty of spring. Dad and I took a step back and admired our hard work. But beyond the tree, the experience taught me a valuable lesson about setting priorities and making choices in life. Just like our little tree, we all need to let go of unnecessary branches and focus on what truly matters. We must choose wisely and prune away the distractions that hinder our growth and happiness.  

 What was the most important lesson that you learned from your dad?  

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