We only realise how much work moms do when we have to do it ourselves. The same thing happened to me when my mom gave me a long to-do list.

Dad decided to accompany me as I was very bored to do it. He said, when we’re together, it’s always party time.

We 1st went to drop things at my uncle’s. Then stop number two was Macy’s for clothes. Then we collected a few bed sheets and clothes for my brother as he was going to college. I even suggested buying some luggage so we could go to India.

The next stop was a detour as we went to Wetzel’s Pretzels. Then we stopped by Hollister to buy clothes for my brother for his school.

We also grabbed some pizza from Loving Hut. I was so tired, but dad said there’s no time for being tired when we’re on a mission. Then we reached to Ross, we had to pick some stuff from there. The last stop was home sweet home. After an eventful day, we were finally home, I surprised my brother with all the food and shopping.

Have you ever try to step into your mom’s shoes? How was your experience? Do write us and be a part of our 365 days of fun.

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