This weekend was all about carrom madness with my dad. Yep, you heard it right! We turned our living room into a carrom battlefield, and let me tell you, it was epic!

So, picture this: Dad strutting around, calling himself the “Carrom Champion” with a mischievous grin. I couldn’t stop giggling because, seriously, who says that? But then, he challenged me to a carrom duel. Game on!

We set up the carrom board, and I could see the determination in Dad’s eyes. He was ready for the showdown. The carrom pieces were like our little soldiers waiting for battle. Dad even did a little victory dance before we started. Silly, right?

As the game began, Dad tried to psych me out with his “champion” moves, but I was on fire! I aimed, flicked, and scored point after point. The carrom queen in me was unleashed, and Dad was left in awe. Seeing him pretend to be shocked every time I pocketed a piece was so much fun.

But here’s the best part – after every round, Dad would give me this sly smile and say, “You know, Keyaa, you play really nicely. Maybe you’re the real champion here.” I couldn’t believe it! Dad, the self-proclaimed Carrom Champion, admitted that I was giving him a run for his money. It felt like a victory dance moment for me!

We played game after game, and each time, Dad kept praising my moves. It made me feel super proud. It’s like our carrom showdown turned into a bonding moment where we laughed, teased each other, and created memories that will last forever.

In the end, we declared it a tie because we’re a team. Dad might be the “Champion,” but I’m the undercover carrom master! Who would’ve thought?

Weekends with Dad are always the best, but this carrom showdown took the cake. Do you have any special weekend traditions that you enjoy doing with your family? Share them with us and join us in our 365 days of fun!

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