Grandma and grandpa’s anniversary was around the corner. We thought of doing something very special and personalized for them.

Dad came up with the idea to scan the old pictures of them & all of us, digitalize them and then watch them on TV together, in a way preserving memories for a lifetime to cherish.

Dad got the scanner and all the old albums and I helped him scan the old pictures. As we went on with the project photo scanning, some childhood pictures of dad took him back to the memory lanes. Dad often took breaks in between to share stories behind the pictures.

We worked tirelessly for two nights and three days and then finally completed the task. When things got tough, boring and tedious, dad said, ‘no job’s boring, no job’s tiring. You got to stay at it. Go team. One day at a time – one step, one win.’

It’s so amazing that dad makes a boring job exciting with his constant motivation and never-ending energy.

Share your story of when a boring job turned exciting with your dad. Stay with us as we make more memories together in our 365 days of fun on Diary with Dad.

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