This time dad and I went skateboarding and decided to go all the way to the other park at a half mile distance. 

On our way, we took a detour at the park for climbing, challenging, fun American ninja stuff and piggyback riding.

Later, we went to catch up with some sweet people to have some home-grown, fresh Grapes. The binging continued when we got back home for soup, dinner, and watermelon. But the best thing about the day was having a snow cone on a hot summer day.

From bringing the snow cone machine, Mango flavoured snow chopping, shaved Mango ice topped with freshly chopped Strawberries – we absolutely loved our healthy Strawberry-Mango fruit shake date. 

Dad and I had a blast and made many memories. What does a summer afternoon look like at your place? Do share with us and let us also be a part of it. 

Get on with us on this beautiful journey of 365 days of fun with dad and me.

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