Shoe Expedition in Dhoti

Shoe Expedition in Dhoti

WATCH THE VIDEO Youtube view count: 3 like count: 0Youtube Comments : My birthday was just around the corner, and my amazing dad decided to take me shoe shopping! But here’s the coolest part – he was all dressed in Indian clothes, like full-on South Indian...
A Spooktacular Halloween Evening

A Spooktacular Halloween Evening

WATCH THE VIDEO Youtube view count: 12 like count: 0Youtube Comments : FollowFollowFollowFollowFollow Do you know? I just had the most amazing Halloween ever! You know why? Because my uncle, who is kind of like a substitute dad to me, took me to California’s...
Party Time with Dad

Party Time with Dad

WATCH THE VIDEO Youtube view count: 11 like count: 0Youtube Comments : Today we dressed for a party night, wearing unique dresses, suits, and bow ties. Dad complimented me by saying I’m his princess and he’s my dance partner. I felt very nice after hearing this. We...
Playing Fridge Games

Playing Fridge Games

WATCH THE VIDEO Youtube view count: 7 like count: 2Youtube Comments : It was getting mundane at a family event when my cousin Vinny and I thought of playing some game, but there was no place around. That’s when Vinny came up with something very creative. Have you ever...