Keyaa’s Garba Performance

Keyaa’s Garba Performance

WATCH THE VIDEO Youtube view count: 15 like count: 2Youtube Comments : It was an exciting day for me. I had my Garba Performance with Sakhi Sangam. While leaving for the performance, dad plucked a flower and gave it to me as good luck for my performance. Dad predicted...
BasketBall Time with Dad

BasketBall Time with Dad

WATCH THE VIDEO Youtube view count: 13 like count: 0Youtube Comments : It was basketball day with dad in the park. Dad and I decided to take turns and play some shots. While dad cheated, I tried to play it safe and ultimately cheated. #Guilty. It’s always so much fun...
Niva’s Dance Recital

Niva’s Dance Recital

WATCH THE VIDEO Youtube view count: 9 like count: 0Youtube Comments : Dad and I woke up early as we had to go to my cousin Niva’s dance recital. We got ready and reached the venue where she was going to perform. All the performers were in traditional Indian attires...
Dessert Surprise at Uncle’s

Dessert Surprise at Uncle’s

WATCH THE VIDEO Youtube view count: 3 like count: 0Youtube Comments : It was a dessert binge kind of a day. Dad and I went to my uncle’s to have some of my favourite desserts. While my aunt was making desserts, I decided to take up the responsibility of entertaining...
Park Day, Cricket & a Little Kid

Park Day, Cricket & a Little Kid

WATCH THE VIDEO Youtube view count: 0 like count: Youtube Comments : Dad and I planned a fun day at the park. Earlier, we were confused between kite flying and cricket. But then we decided to play cricket. As per me, going to the park is always better than sitting in...